An Eye For An Eye CCR

 Hello and welcome back to the Filmer's Guide Podcast where I discuss all things film. If you are new here, I am your host, Reagan Haskell, a short film enthusiast that spends my time creating and directing new ideas to produce into the world. Recently, my team and I have produced a film called An Eye for an Eye, which is about two young girls, Hazel and Vivian, both of which were bullied endlessly by their classmates. One day, they are pushed to their limit and begin to go on a killing spree of everyone who has ever wronged them. 

As most of you know, after I produce short films, I like to give a Q and A about the process and my perspective on the film. So, on my Instagram, I told my followers to ask me questions and I will be answering them for you today. 

The first question, asked by Percy Harding was, "How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups?" So, I feel like most thriller movies show the perspective of the protagonists, or the victims. As well as it makes the audience grow a hatred for the muderer, or the person committing the crimes. However,  in this film, the audience is given their perspective of Hazel and Vivian, the ones committing the murders. My partner, Hayley and I also wanted the audience to feel bad for the antagonists, rather than the protagonists. this is because we wanted the people to understand the motive behind the killing spree. As if the audience would harm the bullies as well. To do this, we made the first scene Vivian getting violently harassed by Jessica Kennedy, then to further add to the audience's pity, we did the bulletin board scene, which was when we explained and listed all the terrible things the people did to the two girls. Another thing that differed from your typical thriller movie convention, was that the opening sequence showed a lot of the plot and went really fast through it. We did this to create more suspense and an understanding of the audience. While, most film makers do a slow opening sequence and have the people wanting more in the beginning, leaving them with a not so heavy understanding of what the film is, we wanted to jump into it and make the film see very fast paced. We believed that this would leave the audience confused as to what could possibly happen next, as well as leave them wanting more and wanting to see what Hazel and Vivian would do with what Vivian dreamed of. And for the second part of Percy's question, this film represents the social group of high school students. Meaning, that all the characters shown in it were either high school students, or connected to them. The issue we wanted to spread awareness to was bullying. The film shows the girls being bullied and them retaliating. We hoped that this would show the audience how poorly making fun of someone can affect their mental well being and further prevent bullying from occurring. It could also maybe put some fear into the kids minds.

The next question that was sent in was, "How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?" and this was given to us by Casey London. Well Casey, since this movie consisted of very violent, and sometimes even gory effects, I would hope that older people would be watching this. So, it would be aimed towards more toward thirteen and up. It could also attract more teenagers because it has to deal with high school students and them making fun of each other, something I know a lot of my friends would like to watch. To distribute our media, we plan on posting flyers on the Filmer's Guide social media. This includes our Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and Facebook. This Podcast will also help people know about this film and maybe interest them in watching it. The word of mouth could also be very impactful. So, Casey and everyone listening right now, please make sure to tell all of your loved ones and friends about our new film, An Eye For An Eye. And a big shout out to our lovely social media team and design team, putting all of their hard work creating these posters, as well as releasing them to the public eye. They have been working very hard to make sure these flyers grab the attention of the right audience.

Well ladies and gentlemen, that is the end of this podcast of the Filmer's Guide. I am your host, filmer, producer, and editor, Reagan Haskell. I had such a fun time answering your questions today. If you want to see more of this content let me know. Overall, Both my partner, Hayley and I had such an enjoyable time filming this together. It was such a bonding moment and allowed for us to utilize our creativity. I would like to thank all of the people who helped us film this movie. An Eye For An Eye is something I an extremely proud of so make sure to go check it out on my YouTube Channel. Make sure you also check out our social media and repost the flyers my team worked so heavily on. If you guys have any questions or comments dont be afraid to leave them on all of our platforms, or even on the YouTube video and we will get to you as soon as possible. Please also let me know what you wanna see next or if you want to see Hayley and I discuss our movie together. We are both very open to criticism as it makes us better. Thank you so much for your time and support throughout this journey and have a wonderful day. Be sure to stay tune as new things are coming!


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