Get To Know Me!
Hi! My name is Reagan, and welcome to my blog, the place where I will be sharing my experiences, and everything that makes me, me. Recently, I have entered my junior year at Fort Lauderdale High School, and although I am not completely sure on what I want to do for the rest of my life, I have learned some things about myself.
For example, spending my free time in nature is something I have come to enjoy. My happy places include the beach and the mountains, while very different from each other, these two places are where I have created my most fondest memories. From playing mermaids in the ocean during sunset, to gathering around a fluorescent fire with friends, the outdoors is for sure the root to most of my happiness. However, with these memorable moments also comes things that I am not so appreciative of: bugs. Given that I have spent all this time outside, I have had several run-ins with natures finest, mosquitos. Even with bug spray it seems that they never are properly repelled and their constant biting results in uncontrollable itchiness, something that is no where near joyful.
Hanging out with my friends on FaceTime, at school, or during the weekends is also something that brings me immense joy. Most of my friends either go to another school or I have zero classes with them, so the weekends are when I get to see them and when I am the happiest. Over the weekend, we go to each others houses, go to the mall, and of course, go to the beach. Being surrounded by my friends is another source of my happiness, they make me laugh, and are judgement free so it is easy to be myself.
Another thing that makes me happy is music, putting on my headphones and blasting my favorite artists such as Taylor Swift, SZA, The Weeknd, and Mac Miller allows my head to tarnish the negativity from the day. While, I try to be accepting of all music, one thing I can not get behind is country music. No matter how hard I try, I cannot see myself listening to it, although some songs are plausible, most is just not my kind of music.
Growing up, I have always been interested in fashion, and even though some of my outfits have been extremely questionable, I have finally come to figure out how I prefer to dress myself (which will probably change in a week). I used to prefer to wear tighter clothing that was more revealing, heavily patterned and very uncomfortable. Now, I like to wear clothes more on the baggy side with more solids or simple patterns and light colors. This development in style also allowed me to see how much I have grown as a person these past couple of years. Things that interest me now such as environmental studies and writing, would have never crossed my mind a few years ago. On the other hand, things that I have grown to dislike such as chokers, scrunchies, and Vans would have been mind boggling to younger me as well.
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