Production-Steps To Filming

     During the past few classes, my team and I have been trying to decide what we wanted to do for the music video. We decided to show exactly what was happening in the song, unlike how Taylor Swift meant. However, we knew that this story had to bring a connection to the audience. In order for the audience to understand what was going on, we decided to do a flashback in the middle of the music video. This would not only show our camera and editing skills but also show tie the whole thing together. This flashback would show why the main character is telling the cops where her boyfriend is. This way, the audience won't be confused why she was mad at him. Overall, we believe that this music video will show a clear storyline in a creative way. Which, will be used by making and filming with props. We also wanted to use specific camera angles to heighten the videos content. Some angles would include a pan and a behind the shoulder point of view shots. This is to show the point of views of all the characters, not just one. There will also be a point in the video where we cut the music to hear the girl on the phone and use digetetic sound for the audience to hear what is going on in the call. In order to begin filming, my group and I had to put a lot of thought into it. This is because all of us have very busy schedules and are out of town at different times of the month. However, we believe that Tuesday (10/24) would be the best for all of us. If this plan does not work out, hopefully we can find a new date soon so we have a chance to edit.  We are also unsure on where to film this. But, we were thinking about doing it at a park of at someones house. In order to get the quality we want, we were also considering using Natalie's dads GoPro. 


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