
1. Couple is seem leaving bank with bags of money, running. 
2.  Then shown sitting at the bar laughing and seem to be in love.
3. Text box saying, "bathroom" pops up and woman is seen gathering her stuff then leaving the man.
4 Music stops as she is walking out. Uses old phone prop to call police and says, "he is here."
5. Music begins to play again, screen fades to a flashback.
6. Man is shown t a restaurant with another woman, holding hands and laughing. 
7. His girlfriend is at another booth hiding behind a menu, seeing it all.
8. Jumps back to present and shows woman getting into a car and turning on the radio.
9. Shows a pan shot of her driving off, leaving
10. Cops pull up to the bar and are shown walking towards the boyfriend.
11. cops arrest the boyfriend, he begins to struggle and resist. 
12. Boyfriend shown walking out in handcuffs.
13. Cuts to woman in the car singing to music holding all the money in the bag. 


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