Genre Research: Action
- Pan shots and tracking are the most used in action films. This is because it shows what the person is doing or where they are going. For example, them running away.
- Typical in these types of films, the costumes have tears do to excessive movement. Blood is also used a lot because the character typically has a lot of obstacles or stunts during the movie.
- The editing for this is very fast paced and shows a lot going on at once.
- There is usually very upbeat and intense music during most scenes.
- Some examples include: Fast and Furious, The Dark Knight, and Kill Bill.
- The soundtrack of most of these movies is my favorite part about action films. They typically show the main characters comeback or realization.
- One thing I do not like about the genre is that it can be very predictable and has a known plot for most of them. These are usually very unrealistic as well.
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