

1. Vivian is on the floor getting spat on/ beaten up by Jessica Kennedy.
2. Hazel runs up to Vivian asking her is she is ok.
3. Hazel hands Vivian an ice pack.
4. Hazel begins to explain the plan to kill the bullies.
5. Hazel and Vivian give each other mischevious looks. 
6. Hazel reaches for a bulletin board.
7. Hazel places the bulletin board on the wall.
8. Aaron Nelson's picture is placed on the board and his name is written.
9. Nicole Wilson's  picture is placed on the board and her name is written.
10. Matt Brown's  picture is placed on the board and his name is written.
11. Penelope Smith's  picture is placed on the board and her name is written. 
12. A big picture of Jessica Kennedy is on the board and her name is written.
13.  They draw a big circle around Jessica Kennedy's picture.
14. Hazel and Vivian are shown standing infant of the board.
15. The both fist bump. Vivian says, "An eye for an eye right?" Hazel says "An eye for an eye."
16. The screen goes black and the music gets louder.
17. Aaron and Nelson is shown walking down a dark alley.
18. Girls follow him with a knife. 
19. Girls come out and the knife is bloody
20. Nicole Wilson is walking down the street blasting music.
21. Vivian pulls Nicole towards her.
22. Vivian suffocates Nicole.
23. Matt Brown is seen walking around a pool.
24. Vivian is seen shoving him into the pool. 
25. Hazel goes up to Penelope with a sharp knife.
26. Close up of Penelope's wrist being slit.
27. Jessica walking down the street.
28. Vivian is shown pushing Jessica into the road. 
29. Hazel drives over Jessica.
31. A black screen that says "EYE FOR AN EYE" appears.


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