Production- Continuing The Filming Process
When filming our video, my group and I were not completely sure how we wanted to do it. This is because our storyline could be a tad confusing. For example, we had a flashback in the middle of the storyline and was unsure how we would show this. Another reason is because we have never been fully together in a group throughout this process. So before filming, we all sat down and discussed our visions. Which, helped clear up a lot of confusion. On our walk to the coffee shop where we filmed, we also discussed roles. Also, how we would like the the characters to be betrayed. In the end, we decided that I would be the director, due to my lack of acting skills. Natalie would play the male role, due to her outfit based off of spirit week. Leaving Hayley to be the main character. We also decided that since they would be playing the main roles, I would also be playing the cop and the other woman. To play these roles but still make it seem like a diff...